Born 1949 in Örebro, Sweden.
Lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden.
Dawid (Björn Dawidsson) is one of Sweden’s most respected and well-known photo-based artists. The main body of his work are rare Vintage Silver Gelatin Prints but he also has recent work where he has utilised the possibilities of digitalisation proving his continuous experimentation with both ancient and modern techniques and equipment.
Dawid has been called Sweden’s first post-modern artist and has for over thirty years been making series of photographically based artworks examining the nature of the medium and exploring issues of perception. He began photographing in the late sixties, documenting incongruous moments with a wry sense of humour, until he established his signature style of stark graphic illustration, initiated by the seminal Rost series. His work often balances on a tight rope between the graphic and the photographic and reflects, criticises, and parallels the chequered history and changing status of photography.
A photographic alchemist, intellectual, and scientist with numerous solo and group exhibitions, more than 30 personal photobooks, and a collectors choice with his work in prestigious collections, inter alia The National Museum of Art Oslo, Moderna Museet Stockholm, and the Hasselblad Collections well as a wide range of private collections.
Since the 1970s Dawid has been exhibited at leading art institutions, museums, and galleries in Sweden and internationally, including the Moderna Museet, Millesgårdens art gallery, and Thiel Gallery in Stockholm, Folkwang Museum in Essen, Galerie Priska Pasquer in Cologne. In 2009 Dawid was awarded the Swedish Arts Grants Committee’s Grand Prize for his artistic achievements and significance.
Exhibition URVAL
The photographic works of Swedish artist Dawid are among the most radical, poetic, and original attempts to redefine photography’s relationship to its image referent. Coming from an social documentary context of the 1970s, student of Christer Strömholm, Dawid’s photography inscribes itself in the ambitious movement of the 1980s to create from photography an emancipated, autonomous image, on an equal footing with painting, drawing and sculpture. With a great economy of means – often using only a light table and a large-format camera – he transcends our physical world of visible and nameable things into a realm of signs, a world of photographic hieroglyphics that in part leaves the function of objects still legible, in part gives them an entirely new meaning.
Enigmatic silhouettes, landscapes, rock formations, outlines of unknown countries on a map, Asian characters – the viewer may discover all these forms in the images of the series Comp. The photographs of the series Rust give more information about the materiality of things. In an ever-increasing digitalization of all areas of life, these images remind us that the obsolete world of physical things, even scrap metal, creates the material for abstract compositions and, as it were, saves them from disappearing. The Kemigrams, in turn, leave the world of objects behind. Of their genesis, the works are the most painterly; at work here are light and chemistry, gesture and chance, surface tension of liquids and absorption behavior of papers. (Excerpt from text by Florian Ebner 2022)

Arbetsnamn Skulptur / Working Name Sculpture

Urval, Dorothée Nilsson Gallery, Berlin, DE
Enlargements, Dorothée Nilsson Gallery, Berlin, DE
Kirkegaards Antikvariat, Copenhagen, DK
Nationalmuseum på Gripsholm Slott, SE
Rost, Grundemark Nilsson Gallery, Berlin, DE
Bukowskis, Stockholm, SE
Christian Larsen Gallery, Stockholm, SE
Urval, Hishult Konsthall, SE
Ex. Shoot Gallery, Oslo, NO
Rost/Rust, Riga Art Space, Riga, LV
Abecita Konsthall, Borås, SE
MK/AW, Grundemark Nilsson Gallery, Berlin, DE
3D, Landskrona Museum, Landskrona, SE
RRR, Grundemark Nilsson Gallery, Berlin, DE
Sturehof, Stockholm, SE
Nordic Light, Kristiansund, NO
KARS, Galleri Kontrast, Stockholm, SE
FSCC, galleri ikon, Stockholm, SE
Gallery Double Elvis, Stockholm, SE
Hasselblad Center, Göteborg, SE
Liljevalchs Konsthall, Stockholm, SE
Skövde Museum, SE
Degeberga Konsthall, SE
Kabusa Konsthall, SE
Millesgårdens Konsthall, Stockholm, SE
Galleri Skarstedt, Stockholm, SE
Eyubi, Stockholm, SE
Fredriksdals Museum, Helsingborg, SE
Centre Culturel Suois, Paris, FR
Lydmar Hotell, Stockholm, SE
The Pentagram Gallery, London, UK
Galerie Priska Pasquer, Cologne, DE
Galleri Riis, Oslo, NO
Life Gallery, Stockholm, SE
Galerie 213, Paris, FR
Galleri Annexet, Malmö, SE
Galleri UP, Stockholm, SE
Galleri Krister Fahl, Stockholm, SE
Karlshamns Konsthall, SE
Galleri ZEBRA, Kari, FI
Galleri Krister Fahl, Stockholm, SE
Galleri Riis, Oslo, NO
Galleri UP, Stockholm, SE
Fotomässan, Göteborg, SE
Upplandsmuseet, Uppsala, SE
Encontros da Imagem, Braga, PT
Söderhamns Konsthall, Söderhamn, SE
Galleri Krister Fahl, Stockholm, SE
Folkwang Museum, Essen, DE
Galleri Nemo, Kiel, DE
Pieni Agora, Helsinki, FI
Galleri Wallner, Malmö, SE
Bildmuseet, Umeå, SE
Mölndals Konsthall, Mölndal, SE
Lido, Stockholm, SE
Galleri Nordanstad-Skarstedt, Stockholm, SE
Fotografiska Museet i Moderna Museet, Stockholm, SE
Galleri Riis, Oslo, NO
Galleri Wallner, Malmö, SE
Malmö Konsthall, Malmö, SE
Galerie Le Lieu, Lorient, FR
Thielska Galleriet, Stockholm, SE
Galleri Nemo, Kiel, DE
Galleri Finnfoto, Helsinki, FI
Galleri Nordenhake, Malmö, SE
Galleri Olsson, Stockholm, SE
Centre Culturel Su ois, Paris, FR
Upplands Konstmuseum, Uppsala, SE
Galleri BarBar, Stockholm, SE
Fotografiska Museet i Moderna Museet, Stockholm, SE
Malmö Konsthall, Malmö, SE
Galleri Camera Obscura, Stockholm, SE
Galleri Camera Obscura, Stockholm, SE
Fotograficentrum with Håkan Lind, Stockholm, SE
Västerbottens Museum, Umeå, SE
Liljevalchs Konsthall, Stockholm, SE
Perceptions, Grundemark Nilsson Gallery, Berlin, DE
AIPAD, Grundemark Nilsson Gallery, New York, US
Pace/MacGill, (together with Sugimoto and Callahan) New York, US
AIPAD, Grundemark Nilsson Gallery, New York, US
Nordic B&W, Shoot Gallery, Oslo, NO
Macrocosmi, Due ponti Lab, Bologna, IT
Konstforum, Norrköping, SE
Industrial World 014, MAST Collection, Bologna, IT
Ett sätt att leva/A way of life, Moderna Museet Stockholm, SE
AIPAD, Grundemark Nilsson Gallery, New York, US
Between Realities. Photography in Sweden 1970–2000, Hasselblad Center, Gothenburg, SE
Ett sätt att leva/A way of life, Moderna Museet Malmö, SE
The Visible, Artipelag, Stockholm, SE
Swedish Photography, Context Art Miami, Florida, US
Swedish Photography, SP-Arte, Sao Paulo, BR
Swedish Photography, Context Art Miami, Florida, US
Swedish Photography, SP-Arte, Sao Paulo, BR
Åter till verkligheten/Reality Revisited, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, SE
Fotografins återkomst-Arbeten från ett intimistiskt decennium, Åmells c/o Konstnärshuset, Stockholm, SE
Christer Strömholms Fotoschule, Willy Brandt Haus, Berlin, DE
Photography in Advertising, Form/Design Center, Malmö, SE
Hommage à Ola Billgren, Galerie Leger, Malmö, SE
Fragment, Brecht-Haus, Berlin, DE
396 Fotografiska förälskelser, Liljevalch Konsthall, Stockholm, SE
Photo Op, The Life Gallery, Stockholm, SE
Nordiskt Foto, Skövde Konsthall, SE
Vandraren, Lunds Konsthall, SE
Noordbrabants Museum, ´s Hertogenbosch, NL 2000
Networking, P-House, Tokyo, JP
Privat samling, Bildmuseet, Umeå, SE
Ur samlingarna, Hasselblad Center, Göteborg, SE
UNDER/EXPOSED, Stockholm Underground, Stockholm, SE
Blickens eko, Helsingborgs Museum, SE
Fotografihistorier, Bildmuseet, Umeå, SE
Deadline, Uppsala Konstmuseum, SE
Forum, Elkida, Stockholm, SE
Stranger Than Paradise, ICP, New york, US (travelling exh.)
PROSPECTS-Contemporary Swedish Photography, (travelling exh.)
PROSPECTS-Contemporary Swedish Photography, Fotografiska Museet & Moderna Museet, Stockholm, SE (travelling exh.)
Spelets Regler, Stockholm, SE
Pod oslona nieba, Centrum Sztuki Wspólczesnej
Zamek Ujazdowski, Warsaw, Poland
De refuserade, Liljevalchs Konsthall, Stockholm, SE
Från Skåne, Malmö Konsthall, Malmö, Sweden 1992
Konkret, Museet for samtidskunst, Oslo, NO
Kunsthalle Rostock, Ostsee-Biennale 1992, DE
Elkida, D’Arte Galleria, Helsinki, FI
Zehn jahre junge kunst in Malmö, Kampnagelfabrik, Hamburg, DE
Södertälje Konsthall, Yttre, SE
Konst-Fotografi, Hasselblad Center, Gothenburg, SE (travelling exh.)
Lika med, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, SE (travelling exh.)
Spegling, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, SE(travelling exh.)
Charlottenborg, Nordic, Copenhagen, DK
Nordic Artistic Photography – a viewpoint, Brandts Klaedefabrik Museum, Odense, DK (travelling exh.)
Fred, Louisiana, Humlebaek, DK
Conversions, Germans van Eck Gallery, New York, US
Nordic Art Photography, Brandts Klaedefabrik Museum, Odeise, DK
Het stilleven in de fotografie, Rotterdamse Kunststichting, NL
Valokuva Taiteena, Sveaborg, Helsinki, FI
The Frozen Image, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, US (travelling exh.)
Sju svenska fotografer, Konsthallen, Pori, FI
Le Moderna museet de Stockholm a Bruxelles, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Bruxelles, BE
Swedish Photographers, Photographers Gallery, GB
Vargen, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, SE
Välstånd, Photographs and poetry from the 70’s, Bokförlaget Boris, Stockholm 2018
MEN, Nationalmuseum Förlag, Stockholm 2017
This is a Photograph, Art and Theory Publishing, Sweden 2015
Sugimoto. Dawid. Callahan, Steidl Verlag, Germany 2015
KARS, DOG Förlag, Sweden 2011
JOBB/WORK, DOG Förlag, Sweden 2010
Verkligen, Arena Förlag, Sweden 2009
HYBRIS, Liljevalchs Konsthall, Sweden 2008
FSCC, Arkitektkopia,Sweden 2008
Merit, DOG Förlag, Sweden 2006
Beautiful Frames, Steidl Verlag, Germany 2001
Dappendix, ROLF Förlag, Sweden 1997
Daffisher, ROLF Förlag, Sweden 1995
M+M, Volkwang Museum, Germany 1993
ROST, DOG Förlag/Moderna Museet, Sweden 1983
Bildkonstnärsfondens Stora Stipendium, Sweden 2004
Nominated for The Citigroup Private Bank Photography Prize 2002, England 2001
Konstnärsnämnden, Stockholm, Sweden 1994
Nominated for the ICP Infinity Award, New york, USA 1992
Edstrandska Stiftelsen, Malmö, Sweden 1991
Nocturne Kulturpris, Stockholm 1988
Sveriges Författarfond 1988
Konstnärsnämnden, Stockholm 1982
Sveriges Författarfond, Stockholm 1980
Konstnärsnämnden, Stockholm 1979
Absolut Art Collection
Bank of Luxembourg, LU
Bonnier Collection, Stockholm, SE
Camera Obscura Collection, Stockholm, SE
Centre for Creative Photography in Tucson, Tucson, AZ, USA
Centro Cultural Arte Contemporaneo, Mexico City, MX
Dorint Collection, Brussels, BE
Erling Neby Collection, Oslo, NO
Folkwang Museum, Essen, DE
Göteborgs konstmuseum, Götenborg, SE
Helsingborgs museum, SE
Kalmar konstmuseum, SE
Kristiansands museum, NO
Landskrona museum, Landskrona, SE
Lasse Åberg Collection, SE
Malmö Museum, Malmö, SE
Manfred Heiting Collection, DE
Moderna Museet, Stockholm, SE
Mölndals konsthall, SE
Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, SE
Norrköping konstmuseum, Norrköping, SE
Nyky taiteen museo, Helsinki, FI
Rogaland Kunstmuseum, Stavanger, NO
Statens Konstråd, Stockholm, SE
Statens Konstråd, Malmö, SE
Strawberry Art, Oslo, SE
The Hasselblad Collection, Göteborg, SE
Upplands Konstmuseum, Uppsala, SE
Örebro Läns Landsting, SE