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Henrik Strömberg is presenting his site specific installation ‚Vertical Storytelling‘ at the Changwon Sculpture Biennale in Seoul, South Korea.

Henrik Strömberg is participating with Vertical Storytelling at the Chang Won Sculpture Biennale 2020 in Seoul, South Korea.

The site-specific installation Vertical Storytelling conceived by Henrik Strömberg is a landscape consisting of 13 metal structures, plinths, presented in the central hall of the main pavillon. Vertically ascending, on top of the metal elongated plinths are stacks of cut out newspapers with an intervention of parts cut-out and black pigment added to erase and counterpart the collection of information per se, the aim is to investigate the act of gathering rather than collecting information and notions or referring to specific past events.
Volumes, crystals are careful placed on top of each stack. As the last element, paperweights, holding the paper sheets down – as witnesses of the process, collectors of information, vehicles of meanings: they are the ultimate signifiers.

Installation view of ‚Vertical Storytelling‘ at the Chang Won Sculpture Biennale 2020 in Seoul, South Korea, ©Henrik Strömberg
Installation view of 'Vertical Storytelling' at the Changwon Sculpture Biennale 2020 in Seoul, South Korea, ©Henrik Strömberg
Installation view of ‚Vertical Storytelling‘ at the Chang Won Sculpture Biennale 2020 in Seoul, South Korea, ©Henrik Strömberg